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Trabalho 3 - Tópicos em Visão Computacional. Finger Identification.
Base project for AngularJS using gulp
Estudos de PHP pelo curso online da Udemy.
Tutorial de Git
Esse programa cria uma estrela de n pontas, onde n pode ser aumentado ou diminuido utilizando + ou - no teclado.
This project contains the scripts related to my graduation project "Replaying Cloud Behavior for Research and Reproducibility".
Repository to store my training activities in C3SL.
Solutions for the hackerpractice discipline at fau.de
This is my Linux Kernel three used as working space/playground for all my developments inside drm/radeon device drivers and pegatron_laptop device driver (API/WMI platform device driver I wrote few months ago).
Trabalho de BD - 2016/1
Global Game Jam 2018
Web interface for the configuration of Minilinux
exercícios da matéria "Desafios da Programação"
ReadTheDocs template