# Installing HOTMapper and dependencies
In this section we'll look at how to get MonetDB working with hotmapper.
#### Important:
The MonetDB Apr2019 (11.33.3) version should be avoided, because it has a bug when inserting into a table with multiple constraints. It's already fixed in their nightly build so you should be fine using any superior version or the August2018 one.
#### Getting HOTMapper
To get the lastest version of HOTMapper simple clone the git repository.
git clone git@gitlab.c3sl.ufpr.br:tools/hotmapper.git
#### Getting MonetDB
You can get your MonetDB installation following [their instructions](https://www.monetdb.org/Downloads).
Be sure to create and start your farm, if you didn't already, using:
$ monetdbd create /path/to/my-dbfarm
$ monetdbd start /path/to/my-dbfarm
If you didn't set a systemctl command for your farm remember to start it every time you reboot your OS.
To create a new database, and remove it from maintenance mode(to avoid a very high memory usage):
$ monetdb create hotmapper-demo
$ monetdb release hotmapper-demo
#### Getting HOTMapper dependencies
Let's create a new virtual environment and install the requirements.
Be sure that you have installed pip3 and python 3.5+.
Install python3-venv, if you don't have it, using the command bellow.
$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv
Inside the hotmapper folder execute the following commands:
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
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